The First KITS Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting

  • Published: 2017-09-30

On September 27-28, the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences (KITS) Scientific Advisory Committee member, Professor Matthias Troyer (Microsoft), Professor Leon Balents (KITP, University of California, Santa Barbara) and Professor Tao Han (University of Pittsburgh) visited KITS on Zhong-Guan-Cun Campus.


Prof. Troyer and Prof. Balents gave public lectures at KITS on Sep. 27, chaired by Fu-Chun Zhang, Director of KITS. In Troyer’s lecture “The Quantum Future of Computing”, he brought to the audience future of quantum computation and its challenges.


Matthias Troyer 2017

Professor Matthias Troyer at the public lecture

Prof. Leon Balents introduced the second quantum revolution and its implications for the future in his lecture “Strange Stuff: A Second Quantum Revolution”. Both lectures have attracted scholars and students from many universities (Tsinghua, PKU, RUC, etc.) and institutes (CSRC, IOP, IOS, etc.).


Leon Balents 9.28

Professor Leon Balents


On Sep. 28, Prof. Tao Han visited UCAS Yu-Quan Campus and gave a public lecture titled “The Quest for Mass”. Scholars and students including undergraduates from UCAS, Tsinghua and IHEP, CAS attended the lecture.


Gang Su 9.28

Prof. Gang Su introduce Han at the lecture


TaoHan 9.28

Prof. Han at the lecture


The KITS Scientific Advisory Committee meeting was held in the morning of Sep. 28.  Committee members Leon Balents, Tao Han, Chao Tang (PKU) , Matthias Troyer, Tao Xiang (IOP, CAS) and Xin-Cheng Xie (Chairman of the committee, PKU) attended the meeting. KITS directors, Prof. Fu-Chun Zhang, Gang Su (Associate Director, VP of UCAS), Xiao-Song Chen (Associate Director, Deputy Director of ITP), Jiang-Ping Hu (Assistant Director) also attended the meeting.  Committee members Xiao-Gang Wen (MIT) and Wei-Tao Yang (Duke Univ.), and Dr. Miyoung Chun, Executive Vice President of Science Program and Dr. Christopher Martin, Assistant Director of Science Program of the Kavli Foundation joined the meeting via video.


Zhang first introduced the institute and its recent activities to the committee members. The committee discussed several issues including recruitment of young scientific talents, establishment of scientific research groups, attracting overseas faculty to KITS, and the establishment of good relations with sister institutes and universities.


KITS SAC Meeting

Dr. Chun sharing her views with the committee via video

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