Vacancy-driven multichannel Kondo physics in topological quantum material IrO2 (Jan. 8, 2020)

  • Published: 2020-01-02

TitleVacancy-driven multichannel Kondo physics in topological quantum material IrO2


Speaker: Stefan Kirchner, Zhejiang University


Time: 10am, Wed., Jan. 8, 2020.

VenueRoom S401, Kavli ITS, UCAS Teaching Building



While there are a number of claims  of two-channel Kondo impurity physics in quantum materials, most of them are highly contested. In our work we show that oxygen vacancies in the rutile structure drive a two-channel Kondo effect and are able to tune it to an orbital one-channel Kondo effect. This provides the smoking-gun evidence that previous observations lack. (In fact, some of the claimed observations have been clarified and downgraded recently). 

The work is available on arXiv:1910.13648.