Reconstructing the black hole interior with modular flow (May 13, 2020)

  • Published: 2020-05-11

Time: 09:30 am (UTC/GMT+08:00, Beijing/Shanghai), May 13 (Wedn.), 2020

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Meeting ID:  968 0879 4100


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Speaker: Yi-Ming Chen (Princeton)



Recent progress on the black hole information paradox has shed new light on how an outside observer can probe the black hole interior. In this talk, I will discuss a concrete way to extract information from the interior, by acting only on the Hawking radiation. The method makes use of the concept of the modular flow, which has been proposed to be an useful tool for entanglement wedge reconstruction in holography. I will show that the method works nicely in two dimensional toy models of black holes, and also comment on general cases. I will provide necessary review for audience that are not familiar with the field.

Reference: arXiv:1912.02210