Entanglement Feature Formalism for Quantum Many-Body Entanglement (Jun. 3, 2020)

  • Published: 2020-05-21

Time: 09:30 am (UTC/GMT+08:00, Beijing/Shanghai), Jun. 3 (Wedn.), 2020

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Meeting ID:  968 0410 5932


Speaker: Yi-Zhuang You (UC San Diego)



In this talk, I will introduce the recent development of the entanglement feature formalism in describing the structure and dynamics of quantum many-body entanglement. Understanding how quantum entanglement is generated and distributed across quantum many-body systems is a quest shared by condensed matter physics, quantum gravity theory, and quantum information science. The entanglement feature is a new theoretical tool to systematically organize the entanglement properties in a quantum many-body system using a fictitious many-body state of entanglement regions. In this framework, the evolution of entanglement entropy can be described by the imaginary-time evolution of a quantum many-body system of entanglement cuts. I will illustrate the usefulness of the entanglement feature formalism with three examples: efficiently simulating entanglement dynamics, understanding the nature of entanglement transition, reconstructing emergent holographic space from entanglement.