Novel tools for 5d SCFTs (Sep. 11, 2020)

  • Published: 2020-09-03

Time: 03:00 pm (UTC/GMT+08:00, Beijing/Shanghai), Sep. 11 (Fri.), 2020

Online Meeting Room (  Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 947 7934 5720


Speaker: Yinan Wang (Oxford)



All 5d N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories are non-renormalizable. However, some of them have a non-trivial 5d N=1 SCFT as its UV fixed point. Geometrically, these 5d N=1 SCFTs can be engineered by M-theory on canonical threefold singularities. Recently, a lot of effort has been made to study their Coulomb and Higgs branches. In this talk, I will review two of the most important tools: (1) Combined Fiber Diagram, which arises from the Coulomb branch and is applied to non-isolated singularities (2) Magnetic quiver and Hasse diagram, which encode the Higgs branch information and is applied to isolated singularities.