Information Paradox in higher dimensions (Nov. 17, 2020)

  • Published: 2020-11-16

Time: 10:00am (UTC/GMT+08:00, Beijing/Shanghai), Nov. 17, 2020

Venue: KITS Seminar Room, 4th floor, No. 7 Building, UCAS Zhong-Guan-Cun Campus [View on maps]


Speaker: Yu-Xuan Liu (IHEP, CAS)



We study the information problem in the eternal black hole with charges on a doubly-holographic model in general dimensions, where the charged black hole on a Randall-Sundrum brane is coupled to the bath on the conformal boundary. However, Page time is zero in some cases. We think this phenomenon may be caused by the lack of effective gravitational d.o.f. to be entangled with the bath, and therefore, we adopt three prescriptions to avoid this problem, which can be achieved respectively by containing part of the bath, adding matter, and introducing the DGP term to the original brane system. For the first prescription, we analytically calculate the entropy of the radiation and obtain the Page-like curve with the presence of an island on the brane. The Page time is evaluated as well. For the second and third prescriptions, we obtain the numerical solution with backreaction in four-dimensional space time and find the quantum extremal surface at t = 0. It turns out that when enough gravitational d.o.f. are injected, the system starts to evolve again.