Photo-induced superconductivity in strongly correlated materials (Sep. 6, 2021)

  • Published: 2021-09-06

Photo-induced superconductivity in strongly correlated materials


Time: 10:00am, Sep. 6 (Mon.), 2021

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 818 8593 8508

Pass code: 0609


Speaker: Zhehao Dai (UC Berkeley)



Photo-induced superconductivity has been reported in a series experiments in the last ten years in cuprate high-temperature superconductors and organic molecular materials. In these experiments, a pump laser creates transient superconducting-like response at temperatures much higher than the equilibrium superconducting transition temperature. These experiments illuminate new possibilities of realizing non-equilibrium phases of matter and provide new ways of probing the emergent low-energy excitations. I shall present a simple model realizing the transient superconducting-like response and apply it to two different materials. Finally, I will discuss the possibility of realizing a non-equilibrium superconducting steady state using periodic drive.