What can solvable Hatsugai-Kohmoto model teach us about Non-Fermi Liquid? (Apr. 28, 2023)

  • Published: 2023-04-24

时间:2023-04-28(周五), 10:30am




Recently, a solvable many-body system called Hatsugai-Kohmoto (HK) model has been intensively studied since it provides exact examples on non-Fermi liquid (NFL) and Mott insulator. In this lecture, we will introduce the general ideas of NFL and its experimental implications. Then, we turn to HK model and discuss its NFL properties, such as thermodynamics, spectrum, response to impurity and external magnetic field. The latter two ones are relevant to Friedel oscillation (FO) and quantum oscillation (QO), which have inspired interesting ideas of fractionalization and Kondo breakdown in cuprate high-Tc superconductor and topological Kondo insulator SmB6. It is fond that FO is dominated by the inter-band transition, which is in contrast to the 2kF singularity in Landau’s Fermi liquid (FL). Furthermore, we find QO exists in NFL of HK model just like the case in FL although its frequency relates to the pseudo-Fermi surface of non-Landau’s quasiparticles. These findings highlight the essential role of NFL on physical observables and it may help us to understand generic NFL in strongly correlated electron systems.



钟寅,副教授, 2016年毕业于兰州大学理论物理专业,导师罗洪刚教授.主要研究兴趣是强关联电子系统和规范场理论,主要采用以场论为代表的量子多体理论方法以及以量子蒙特卡洛为代表的数值模拟技术研究重费米子体系,高温超导,莫特相变和量子临界现象相关的理论模型和新奇物理效应.现已发表Physical Review B, New Journal of Physics, European Journal of Physics C等SCI论文30余篇.近些年与合作者主要从事拓扑近藤绝缘体和关联电子体系非费米液体行为起源的理论工作,对于量子模拟强关联电子物理和AdS/CFT在凝聚态物理中的应用也颇有兴趣(看戏^_^).