Time: June 2 (Friday), 10:00
Place: Room 401, No. 7 Building, UCAS Zhong-Guan-Cun Campus (国科大中关村校区青年公寓7号楼401会议室)
Speaker: Xue-Yang Song (MIT)
Motivated by thermal hall measurements in RuCl3, we explore a simplest gapped Z2 spin liquid (QSL) description. We construct a model of Z2 QSL that permutes topologically distinct visons upon one translation and hosts topological Chern bands for visons. The model fits the phenomenology of alpha-RuCl3, including low-field magnetic orders, spectroscopy and thermal hall signals at intermediate fields etc. This is built on a complete classification of Z2 QSL enriched by translations as pertinent to RuCl3. Time permitting I will discuss translation action on 3+1d U(1) QSL, and show that duality of Maxwell theory could be realized. Connection to fracton states will also be discussed.