Implications of superadditive algebras in large N field theories for holography (May 31, 2024)

  • Published: 2024-05-30

Time: 14:00, May 31, 2024

Location: Rm 401 Meeting Room, KITS, UCAS


Speaker: Samuel Leutheusser (Princeton University)



Holographic conformal field theories exhibit dramatic changes in the structure of their operator algebras in the limit where the number of local degrees of freedom ( N ) becomes infinite. An important example of such phenomena is the violation of the additivity property for algebras associated to local subregions. I will first review several examples of superadditive algebras in quantum field theory and then investigate their consequences in the context of holographic duality. Specifically, I will demonstrate how the superadditive property is intimately related to the success of quantum error correcting code models of holography and then I will argue that the connected wedge theorems (CWTs) of May, Penington, Sorce, and Yoshida can be re-phrased in terms of superadditive algebras. This re-phrasing allows for the definition of a generalized scattering region for which a generalization of the CWTs can be formulated such that both the theorem and its converse should hold.