Asymptotic symmetries from the string worldsheet (Jun. 12, 2024)

  • Published: 2024-06-06

Time: 10:00-11:30 2024/06/12

Location: Room N108, Teaching building  


Speaker: Wei Song (Tsinghua University)



Asymptotic symmetry plays an essential role in bottom-up holography.

Asymptotic symmetry plays an essential role in bottom-up holography.Asymptotic symmetry plays an essential role in bottom-up holography. Symmetry has been a guiding principle in modern theoretical physics. In particular, the study of asymptotic symmetry is very useful in setting up holographic dualities in the bottom-up approach.  In this talk, I will try to answer the following question: how can we find the asymptotic symmetries from string theory? We will study several examples including string theory on the backgrounds of AdS3 with NS-NS flux, flat spacetime, and the TsT/TTbar correspondence.