Long Zhang (张龙)
View Prof. Long Zhang's CV (updated in 2020)
Associate Professor (2017 - current)
Research Interests
Theoretical understanding of correlated electron systems:
- Doped Mott insulators, quantum magnets and superconductors;
- Cuprates, iridates and other transition metal compounds;
- Unconventional quantum phase transitions.
08/2006 -- 07/2010 Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, B.Sc. in physics
08/2010 -- 07/2015 Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University, Ph.D. in physics (Supervisor: Prof. Zheng-Yu Weng)
07/2015 -- 06/2017 International Center for Quantum Materials, School of Physics, Peking University
Postdoctoral Fellow (Supervisor: Prof. Fa Wang)
06/2017 -- present Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, UCAS
Assistant Professor
- L. Zhang and F. Wang, Unconventional surface critical behavior induced by a quantum phase transition from the two-dimensional Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki phase to a Neel-ordered phase, Phys. Rec. Lett. 118, 087201 (2017)
- L. Zhang, F. Wang, and D.-H. Lee, Compass impurity model of Tb substitution in Sr2IrO4, Phys. Rev. B 94, 161118 (2016).
- L. Zhang, X.-Y. Song, and F. Wang, Quantum oscillation in narrow-gap topological insulators, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 46404 (2016).
- L. Zhang and J.-W. Mei, Quantum oscillation as diagnostics of pseudogap state in underdoped cuprates, Europhys. Lett. 114, 47008 (2016).
- L. Zhang and Z.-Y. Weng, Sign structure, electron fractionalization, and emergent gauge description of the Hubbard model, Phys. Rev. B 90, 165120 (2014).
Email: longzhang@ucas.ac.cn
View Prof. Long Zhang's Page in UCAS
Office: Rm. 309, Kavli ITS, UCAS, Beijing (View map)