Faculty Position Opportunities at Kavli ITS, UCAS

  • Published: 2016-12-25

The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences (KITS) at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), Beijing, China invites applications for tenure-track and tenured faculty positions in the areas of (1) theoretical condensed matter physics, (2) theoretical high energy physics, (3) quantum information and quantum computing, (4) biophysics and quantitative biology, (5) quantum chemistry. We also invite applications for faculty positions in the field of theoretical particle astrophysics jointly appointed with the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (KIAA) at Peking University (PKU), Beijing, China. Successful applicants are expected to carry out independent and innovative researches and encouraged to develop new interdisciplinary research directions.


KITS is one of the twenty network members of Kavli institutes worldwide. Co-sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), UCAS and the Kavli Foundation, KITS strives to integrate research and education by supporting postdoctoral fellows, teaching and mentorship of UCAS students, and sponsors and organizes programs and conferences in frontier topics to promote the exchange of scientific ideas within China and with the rest of the world.


RANK: We seek well-qualified applicants at all levels of tenure-track or tenured faculty positions.


SALARY: The salary will be internationally competitive and depend on qualifications and experience. There will also be a housing benefit.


MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. in theoretical physics or related fields, a demonstrated record of research excellence, and potential to obtain external funding.  Candidates of any nationality are encouraged to apply and will be considered equally.


APPLICATION PROCESS: Applicants should submit a CV, a brief summary of research and teaching experience, a plan of future research, and arrange three confidential letters of recommendation to be sent via email to KITS director, Prof. Fuchun Zhang at: fuchun@ucas.ac.cn


DEADLINE: Applications received before August 31, 2020 will be given full consideration. Subsequent applications will also be considered until the positions are filled.




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