[Seminar on Oct. 27, 2021] Hidden Relations of Central Charges and OPEs in Holographic CFT
[Seminar on Oct. 22, 2021] Penrose Limit: A Stringy Regime in Holography
[Seminar on Oct. 9, 2021] Aspects of the black hole/string transition
[Seminar on Oct. 11, 2021] UV/IR mixing in marginal Fermi liquids, and related
[Seminar on Oct. 8, 2021] Universality out of stochastic driving
[Seminar on Sep. 24, 2021] First order phase transition and isothermal heating in holography
[Seminar on Sep. 27, 2021] Entanglement dynamics from random product states at long times
[Seminar on Sep. 23, 2021] SU(4) chiral spin liquid, exciton supersolid and electric detection in moiré bilayers
[Seminar on Sep. 15, 2021] Harmonic analysis of 2d CFT partition functions