Cong-Cong Le (勒聪聪)

Postdoctoral Scholar (2017 - 2019)
Sep. 2012-Jul. 2017 Institute of Physics, CAS PhD Candidate for Condensed Matter Physics
Sep. 2008-Jul. 2012 Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China B. Sc. in Physics
Research Activities
- Study of the electronic structure of iron-based superconductors through first-principles calculation software, like the Vienna Ab initio simulation package (VASP) and WIEN2k.
- Study of topological insulators (TIs) and semimetals by using band structure theory and group theory.
Dec. 2016 Director Scholarship honorable mention of Institute of Physics
Jun. 2016 Merit Student of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dec. 2015 Director Scholarship Recognition Award of Institute of Physics
Dec. 2014 Director Scholarship Recognition Award of Institute of Physics
Sep. 2010 - Jul. 2011 professional second-class scholarship of Jiangxi Normal University
Sep. 2009 - Jul. 2010 professional first-class scholarship of Jiangxi Normal University
Sep. 2008 - Jul. 2009 professional third-class scholarship of Jiangxi Normal University
- Xianxin Wu, Congcong Le, Yi Liang, Shengshan Qin, Heng Fan, and Jiangping Hu, Effect of As-chain layers in CaFeAs2, Phys. Rev. B. 89, 205102 (2014)
- Dachun Gu, Xia Dai, Congcong Le, Liling Sun, QiWu, Bayrammurad Saparov, Jing Guo,Peiwen Gao, Shan Zhang, Yazhou Zhou, Chao Zhang, Shifeng Jin, Lun Xiong, Rui Li, Yanchun Li,Xiaodong Li, Jing Liu, Athena S. Sefat, Jiangping Hu and Zhongxian Zhao, Robust antiferromagnetism preventing superconductivity in pressurized (Ba0.61K0.39)Mn2Bi2, Scientific Reports. 07342(2014)
- Xianxin Wu, Shengshan Qin, Yi Liang, Congcong Le, Heng Fan, and Jiangping Hu, CaFeAs2: A staggered intercalation of quantum spin Hall and high-temperature superconductivity, Phys. Rev. B. 91, 081111(R) (2015)
- Run Yang, Congcong Le, Lei Zhang, Bing Xu, Wei Zhang, Kashif Nadeem, Hong Xiao, Jiangping Hu, and Xianggang Qiu, Formation of As-As bond and its effect on absence of superconductivity in the collapsed tetragonal phase of Ca0.86Pr0.14Fe2As2: An optical spectroscopy study, Phys. Rev. B. 91, 224507 (2015)
- Xianxin Wu, Fan Yang, Congcong Le, Heng Fan, and Jiangping Hu, Triplet pz-wave pairing in quasi-one-dimensional A2Cr3As3 superconductors (A = K,Rb,Cs), Phys. Rev. B. 92, 104511 (2015)
- Jiangping Hu, Congcong Le and Xianxin Wu, Predicting Unconventional High-Temperature Superconductors in Trigonal Bipyramidal Coordinations, Phys. Rev. X. 5. 041012(2015)
- WU Xian-Xin, LE Cong-Cong, YUAN Jing, FAN Heng, HU Jiang-Ping, Magnetism in Quasi-One-Dimensional A2Cr3As3 (A=K,Rb) Superconductors, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 5 (2015) 057401
- Xianxin Wu, Xia Dai, Yi Liang, Congcong Le, Heng Fan, and Jiangping Hu, Density functional calculations of a staggered FeSe monolayer on a SrTiO3 (110) surface, Phys. Rev. B. 94, 045114 (2016)
- Xia Dai, Cong-Cong Le, Xian-Xin Wu, and Jiang-Ping Hu, Hybrid crystals of cuprates and iron-based superconductors, Chin. Phys. B. 7 (2016) 077402
- Xia Dai, Cong-Cong Le, Xian-Xin Wu, Sheng-Shan Qin, Zhi-Ping Lin, Jiang-Ping Hu, Topological Phase in Non-centrosymmetric Material NaSnBi, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 12 (2016) 127301
- Congcong Le, Shengshan Qin, Xianxin Wu, Xia Dai, Peiyuan Fu, Jiangping Hu, Three-dimensional Critical Dirac semimetal in KMgBi, Phys. Rev. B.96, 115121 (2017)
- Jiangping Hu, Congcong Le, A possible new family of unconventional high temperature superconductors, Science Bulletin 62 (2017) 212-217
- Zhiping Lin, Gang Wang, Congcong Le, Huaizhou Zhao, Ning Liu, Jiangping Hu, and Xiaolong Chen, Thermal conductivities in NaSnAs, NaSnP,and NaSn2As2: Effect of double lone-pair electrons, Phys. Rev. B 95, 165201(2017)
- Jinfeng Zeng,Shengshan Qin, Congcong Le, and Jiangping Hu, Magnetism and superconductivity in the layered hexagonal transition metal pnictides, Phys. Rev. B 96, 174506 (2017)
- Yinxiang Li, Xinloong Han, Shengshan Qin, Congcong Le, Qiang-Hua Wang, Jiangping Hu, Robust d-wave pairing symmetry in multi-orbital cobalt high temperature superconductors, Phys. Rev. B 96, 024506 (2017)
- Shengshan Qin, Congcong Le, Xianxin Wu, Jiangping Hu, Topological critical materials of ternary compounds, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 2017.12.006
- Congcong le, Shengshan Qin, Jiangping Hu, Electronic Physics and Possible Superconductivity in Layered Orthorhombic Cobalt Oxychalcogenides, Science Bulletin(2017), 62(8)563-571
- Shengshan Qin, Yinxiang Li, Qiang Zhang, Congcong Le, Jiangping Hu, Theoretical studies of superconductivity in doped BaCoSO, arXiv:1702.08304
- Congcong Le, Jinfeng Zeng, Guang-Han Cao, Jiangping Hu, A Possible Family of Ni-based High Temperature Superconductors, arXiv:1712.05962
Office: Rm. S401, Kavli ITS, UCAS (Map);
Building A, IoP, CAS