Interior Structure and Complexity Growth Rate of Holographic Superconductor from M-Theory (Sep. 16, 2022)
Integrable structure of 2d CFT (Sep. 16, 2022)
Overcoming exponential walls in quantum many-body systems (Aug. 15, 2022)
Chiral Exchange Spin Waves (Jul. 4, 2022)
Two-loop supergravity on AdS5 x S5 from CFT (Jun. 20, 2022)
Pauli stabilizer models of twisted quantum doubles, and a new quantum cellular automaton (May 18, 2022)
From conformal correlators to analytic S-matrices: CFT1/QFT2 (May 11, 2022)
Dirac quantum material – from transport to nonequilibrium (May 9, 2022)
Symmetries and dualities of gapless edge states of topological phases (Apr. 29, 2022)
Negativity in random tensor networks and holography (Apr. 20, 2022)